When I was going through a spiritual awakening and Dark Night of the Soul I didn't even know what spirituality was, let alone that there were resources out there. I thought I was in some sort of secret society and was afraid to talk about the things I was experiencing. I know today that isn't true but it felt like it in the moment. This page contains resources, information, and tools I created and/or found that have been helpful to me.
Spiritual Bingo
This is a fun exercise/game I created to learn more about yourself and connect with your mind, body, and soul.
Angel Numbers
Angel numbers are messages from Spirit. There are hundreds, literally, of sites and books on angel numbers. I found Joanne's page to be the most helpful and highest resonance. She doesn't run the page actively anymore, so there are ads, but the information has been helpful for me on my journey. Maybe it will be for you too.
Dream Interpretation
I found Michael Sheridan and the Aisling School during my awakening in 2020. One night I woke up and had this immediate knowing that I was going to help myself and others heal through dreams. They offer a variety of courses but my favorite tool from them is their FREE dream dictionary. I reference it a few times a week.
Project Name
More coming ❤️